

  1. Cookies are small text files which are transferred to your computer or mobile when you visit a website or app.
  2. Some cookies are always on when you visit us, and you can’t turn them off unless you change your browser settings. These are called “strictly necessary cookies”. These cookies facilitate your use of the Lemac Affiliate Portal and blocking these cookies may mean that the Lemac Affiliate Portal will not work properly for you.
  3. We use strictly necessary cookies to make sure our Lemac Affiliate Portal and services work correctly. The cookies remember information about you, so that you do not need to provide the same information every time that you access the Lemac Affiliate Portal.
  4. We do not use any other type of cookies on the Lemac Affiliate Portal.
  5. General

  6. We may update this policy from time to time. If we make important changes – such as how we use your personal information – we will notify you.
  7. Notice may be provided by an email or a message in your app. If you do not agree to the changes, you have the right to stop using the Lemac Affiliate Portal and services and request that your personal information be deleted.